Altissimo Rose ( multiple exposure ).
Bare Tree.
Boston Stump.
Female Mallard Ducks.
Hanging Basket.
River Witham.
Rufford Park Woodland.
Rufford Park Bluebells.
Cat on a hot tin roof.
That is what I would think to be a dumb cat! Oh, well. I do like the carving. Downright neat! Rufford Park looks like a really nice place to take a hike through. Even take a nap in. I definitely could take a nap under those trees by that river. Oh, yeah. And just let the world pass me by. Of course you gotta like the ducks. They are so cool to watch. The church is a really good looking piece of architecture. Lots of arches and you know I like arches! Can't eat the flowers but they are beautiful nonetheless. Good looking things here and as always great photography, my friend!!!