Sunday 7 October 2018


The old church of St Mary really is old and is thought to date back to the eleventh century, if not before. The west tower is built really on four levels of quite distinct masonry divisions. The top is perpendicular with eight pinnacles and the masonry divisions are distinctly visible on the inside of the church, the second division is very neat herringbone masonry. To the west wall of the tower is a staircase attachment which is much more than semi-circular and is similar to the one at Hough on the hill. On the east wall of the tower and visible from the nave is a flat headed doorway with ashlar jambs very high up over the tower arch. It is said that the major alteration to the chancel and which turned the lofty nave into a west tower was carried out in the 12th century. The three bay arcades are 14th century, the south one first having arches with octagonal piers and double chamfered arches. The north arcade is similar but with ball flower decoration in the abaci. Under the south west pier is an Anglo Saxon stone carved with interlace. Sorry I can not show you any photographs of the wonderful interior as on the day we was there the church was closed, nearly always the case these days due to vandalism.


1 comment:

  1. It's a danged shame that vandals would seek to ruin such a beautiful and historic place such as this. Catch 'em and hang 'em high! Such a place like this church is breathtaking. The architecture is fabulous. Had to be to stand the test of time as this one has. Though there are some squared windows, there are plenty of arches here, which is my favorite. Windows and doorways. Can you imagine watching this being built? And the history that the cemetery can tell you. A lot I am sure. Good place you caught with your camera, Les! Good job as always.
