Sunday 16 November 2014

ANIMALS ( part two ).

GUINEA PIG. (Cavia Porcellus ).
also called Cavy. In western societies, the guinea pig enjoyed widespread popularity as a household pet. My granddaughter has three such animals running around in her mums back garden.

most marmosets are about 8 inches long. They have claws rather than nails and tactile hairs on their wrists. Marmosets are native to South America and have been found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. They are also raised in captivity as pets.

is a relatively large rodent. It is also known as the Patagonian Cavy, Patagonian Hare or Dillaby. This herbivorous somewhat rabbit -like animal is found in open and semi open habitats in Argentina, including large parts of Patagonia. It is monogamous, but often breeds in warrens that are shared by several pairs.

are rodents with a coat of sharp spines or quills, that defend them from predators. They are indigenous to the Americas,Southern Asia, Europe and Africa. Most porcupines are about 25 - 36 inches long with an 8 - 10 inch long tail. Weighing 12 - 35 pounds they are rounded, large and slow. The common porcupine is an herbivore. It eats leaves, herbs, twigs and green plants like clover. In winter it may eat bark. A male porcupine urinates on a female porcupine prior to mating, spraying the urine at high velocity.

RED RUFFED LEMUR. (Varecia Rubra ).
like all Lemurs it is native to Madagascar and occurs only in the rain forests of Masoala. It has a body length of 53cm, a tail length of 60cm and a weight of 3.3 - 3.6 kg. Its soft thick fur is red and black in colour and sports a buff or cream coloured spot at the nape.

is a large strepsirrhine primate and the most recognized Lemur due to its long, black and white ringed tail. Like all lemurs it is endemic to Madagascar. It is omnivorous and the most terrestrial of lemurs. The animal is diurnal, being active exclusively in daylight hours. The ring tailed lemur is highly social, living in groups of up to 30 individuals. It is also female dominant. To keep warm and reaffirm social bonds, groups will huddle together. The ring tailed lemur will also sunbathe, sitting upright facing its underside, with its thinner white fur towards the sun, just like the one is doing in my last photo above. Like other lemurs this species relies strongly on its sense of smell and marks its territory with scent glands. The males perform a unique scent marking behaviour called spur marking and will participate in stink fights by impregnating their tail with their scent and wafting it at opponents.  

1 comment:

  1. One thing that can always be said about critters, is that some of them are downright cute looking! You just have to love the lemurs! The face on them is just neat! But, the tail is remarkable. The mara looks a fair bit like a Wallaby. Cute, but being a rat I don’t think I would want it around. I don’t know why but I have always like porcupines. I think they are great looking critters, and I wouldn’t mind having one around, quills and all. After all the quills are really just sharp stiff hairs. Everybody I have ever known that attempted to have a monkey as a pet regretted it. They have a tendency to bite the crap out of you or someone else. I have not decided what to think on the red ruffed lemur. Great photos and subject matter!!!
