Monday 9 June 2014


The church of the Holy Trinity at Tattershall in Lincolnshire, England was completed in 1500 AD having been endowed in 1439 by King Henry VI with collegiate status. A collegiate church is one that has attached to it, a chapter of canons and prebendaries - priests whose livings are paid through endowments and by the income from land or tithes. Holy Trinity Church, or to give it it`s correct title, The Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, The Blessed Virgin Mary, ST Peter the Apostle, ST John the Baptist and ST John the Evangelist stands on the site of an earlier Norman Church. It is considered by many experts to be one of the finest examples of English Perpendicular Architecture and is also one of the largest Collegiate Churches in the country. The east window contains some of the best examples of Medieval Painted Glass, and a small tomb stone can be found in the floor close to the font bearing the inscription T.Thumb died 1620 aged 101.           I would have loved to have taken a photograph of this but unfortunately there was something happening in the church and i did not want to get in their way. Visitors are often surprised by the size and height of the church as it is a mini cathedral both in size and layout.

A Tomb seen in the graveyard.


1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! Beautiful, simply beautiful. The size of it is quite large, as you say. The history is something as well. Great photos. Danged good subject matter. Good job! As always!
